Recital 2024

Dress Rehearsal: May 25, 2024
Recital: May 26, 2024
Information Page

(Nearly) everything you need to know


  • Practice Videos are posted on the Youtube channel. They can also be accessed under “Files” in the Parent Portal. Your dancer’s music can be found there as well.

  • Costumes will be going home with dancers 1-2 weeks before the show.

  • Tickets will be going home with dancers from class beginning May 18th

  • Dancers should arrive at St Patrick’s High School 30 minutes before their show time for Dress Rehearsal, and the Showcase, in their (first) Costume.

  • Costumes must be paid in full before being brought home from the Studio.

  • Run time for Dress Rehearsal on Saturday is expected to be 70 minutes from the showtime start. The Showcase on Sunday run time is expected to be closer to 60 minutes from the showtime start.

  • Dancers will be “Dropped-off” for both the Rehearsal and the Showcase. Please send only one grown-up to the pick-up on Dress Rehearsal Day to help avoid congestion.

  • Dancers should not bring personal items other than their costumes, and (labeled!) dance shoes. Peanut-free snacks in disposable wrappings, as are disposable or labeled water bottles, are permissible. Please pack these items in a clear (and clearly labeled) plastic Ziploc bag.

  • We will have at least one dancer who will not go on stage. Please make sure your dancer knows you are proud of them BEFORE the show for all the hard work they’ve done. If your dancer is the one who might not make it onto the stage, knowing they have your support is huge to help us help them work through those big emotions!

  • I know all the dancers have grown-ups in the audience waiting to see them. Our staff have a lot of experience with this. We do our best to help the dancers work through those big emotions, but sometimes we can’t quite get a handle on them before the song ends. Depending on the child, the dance might get to be performed again at the end of the show.

 Backstage Helpers

  • Please arrive 45 minutes ahead of the scheduled showtime. Dancers will be arriving 30 minutes ahead of showtime.

    • Your responsibilities will include…

      o   Greet and help settle dancers as they arrive

o    Be aware of the line-up for the show, and have your group lined up and ready to go 3 dances ahead of their time on stage, in the proper order

o   Supervise dancers in the backstage area and encourage *quiet*

o   Be enthusiastic and supportive of all the dancers

o   Keep your group together for the duration of the show

o   Assist in the “returning” of dancers to their grown-ups after the show 


  • Tickets are available for $15 through the website until January 18th. After that, they will be available for cash only at the door of the show for $20

  • The show is general admission; there are no assigned seats other than indicated seats for accommodation. Anyone with mobility issues should contact the studio regarding accessible accommodations ASAP.

  • No strollers in the theatre. No baby carriers in the walkways.

  • Do not be disrespectful; this refers to the treatment of other audience members, volunteers, staff, and most importantly the children who are extremely excited to showcase their dances.

  • Adhere to theatre etiquette.

o   No flash photography

o   Stay seated for the duration of the show. Do not obstruct the view of spectators behind you.

o   Do not distract dancers on stage by waving or jumping until AFTER their performance.

o   If you must leave the theatre, wait until between routines to do so.

o   Applaud for each routine

Remember we are trying to create an environment where children feel confident in themselves and their ability to do and to try things. The energy you bring with you is important! Remember that being on stage is scary.

The little people are beyond adorable. It is okay to react to the unexpected things they do, but please do not laugh at mistakes or missteps!